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What is meditation?

Meditation is a spiritual method of establishing a connection with the soul and merging with it, as well as a process of channeling spiritual energies that can be used for the highest good of oneself and all fellow human beings. There is already a lot of scientific evidence that meditation can heal the body and completely transform one's life, enabling one to become happy and fulfilled regardless of external circumstances. In recent years, Dr. Joe Dispenza has beautifully demonstrated all of this scientifically.

Meditation is not just a process of thinking or contemplation (deep thinking) nor is it merely daydreaming or relaxation. Meditation also encompasses the practice of mindfulness and awareness. Through meditation, a person learns to calm and control their thoughts. When we learn to control our thoughts, we also gain control over our emotions, and when we have control over our emotions, our energies align and organize themselves in their natural position. Once this is achieved, a person begins to live an "enlightened" life, as they master their mental, emotional, energetic, and consequently, physical bodies, and gain control over all aspects of their life. When a person reaches this point, the external environment (stress, worries, work, family, society, etc.) no longer has an impact on their harmonious state unless consciously chosen. Similarly, such an individual is no longer influenced by astrology (horoscope) since they consciously direct their attention and energy towards the experiences they will undergo.

During meditation and for some time afterwards, the brain is usually in a state known as alpha waves (7-12 Hz), which is highly beneficial for the body and our psycho-physical state. During deeper meditations, even deeper states such as theta, delta, etc., can be reached. The deeper the state of calmness, the faster the cells and the body itself regenerate, renew, and heal.

During meditation, various glands begin to secrete hormones that have a beneficial effect on the body. Among them is the so-called "happiness hormone" (serotonin), which can make a person feel slightly smiling, joyful, and happy after meditation. Life situations can be seen completely differently during meditation. Concentration, thinking ability, memory, and the ability to reach optimal solutions are enhanced.

Purposes and goals of meditation

In today's world, there are numerous types of meditations. The choice usually depends on what one wants to achieve through meditation. Some approach it with the goal of enlightenment, others for health, stress relief, and psychological issues, while others seek mystical powers, and so on.

There is a suitable meditation for everyone that can benefit them both physically and psychologically, which consequently also influences all other areas of life.

In the Western world, sitting, contemplating, and meditating are the most well-known forms of meditation. However, meditations in movement, while walking or during work, are less known. Some even say that life itself is one continuous meditation.

Every serious meditation involves:

  1. Concentration

  2. Meditation – extended focus of attention in one direction and the constant retention of the mind on the desired idea or thought.

  3. Contemplation – the activity of the soul, separate from the mind, maintained in a state of restfulness (calmness).

  4. Illumination – the result of the previous three processes and also includes bringing the acquired knowledge into the brain.

  5. Inspiration – the consequence of illumination, which manifests in a life of service.

Meditation on Light

This is the most basic and safe meditation known. It is suitable for everyone, including children and people with psychological issues. It teaches a person to open their heart. Through meditation, one becomes more loving, compassionate, peaceful, understanding, and happy. By meditating through the heart, one can easily avoid the pitfalls that await on the spiritual path. Psychic abilities such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc., may also arise during meditation.

This meditation takes you to the highest spheres, where most New Age meditation techniques cannot reach. This is the path of the heart.

In addition to meditation itself, we are also familiar with the use of sacred sounds or specific frequencies (crystal or Tibetan bowls), which, when used correctly, can quickly lead us into deep meditative states. One of the most well-known and original sacred sounds is AUM, whose resonance, when practiced for a few minutes a day over a few weeks, can bring dramatic changes/improvements in a person's psycho-physical health. Sacred sounds or mantras can be sung, mentally repeated during meditation, or simply listened to.

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