Explanation of Terms
Karma is the law of cause and effect in Eastern terminology. Karma is the fundamental law that governs our existence in this solar system. Every thought and every action triggers its consequence, which determines whether our life is good/pleasant or bad/unpleasant. In biblical terms, it is said, "As you sow, so shall you reap," or in the words of science, "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."
In a physical sense, it refers to action or deed, while in a metaphysical sense, it represents the law of balance/retribution, the law of ethical causation. As Nemesis, it only appears in the sense of bad karma. In the context of cause and effect, there exists a force in orthodox Buddhism that controls all things – it is the result of moral conduct: metaphysical Samskara or the moral action of a certain behavior done to satisfy personal desires. There is merit karma and debt karma. However, karma neither punishes nor rewards. It is simply an all-encompassing law that is inflexible, almost blind, like other operating laws; it brings forth certain actions if their relevant causes are present. If Buddhism teaches that "karma is the moral core (or essence) that alone survives death and continues even through transformation or in reincarnation," it means that nothing more than the causes that it has triggered exist beyond the personality. These causes are immortal and cannot be extinguished within the fabric of the universe until their lawful consequences come forth and disappear along with them. Such effects that cannot find resolution due to proper action in a person's life must be pursued by the reincarnated self until complete harmony between cause and effect is achieved. The personality, which is nothing more than a bundle of material atoms and instinctual and mental properties, cannot find its continuation in the realm of pure spirituality. Only that which is immortal and divine in its true essence, the higher Self, exists continuously. And the higher Self is the one that determines the personality in which it will reside after each life, and through that personality, it accepts the consequences caused by karmic reasons. Thus, the higher Self is the self to which the "moral core" is attached, where karma is embodied, and only this Self "survives death" (from Helena Blavatsky's Theosophical Glossary).
Diagnosis is a term that refers to determining a patient's illness and the causes that led to it. In medicine, it means recognizing and naming a disease.
Karmic diagnostics deals with identifying and finding the causes and factors that have led to a specific psychophysical health condition on the physical, emotional, or mental body, or that cause other problems in life, such as accidents, financial difficulties, love troubles, and more.
Causes can originate from the period of conception when a person was in the womb, childhood, adulthood. Causes can also be inherited from parents or ancestors. Alternatively, they can stem from past lives. Every experience a person goes through (good or bad) is imprinted in their bioplasm or aura (a term used by some therapists and dowsers). Regardless of whether it is conscious or not, whether it happened recently or in the past, it still remains in their informational field and influences the quality of their life. A person is like a computer where this data is stored. Until these pieces of information (programs) are erased/resolved or become harmless to the individual or their energy field, they remain on a conscious or subconscious level and eventually start affecting their life.
The term "karmic diagnostics" has been first used in our modern times (in the last 50 years) by Sergey Nikolayevich Lazarev, and it was introduced and taught in Slovenia by Marjan Ogorevc. The approach used by Lazarev and Ogorevc is just one of the possibilities. There are various methods with different approaches but with the same goal of discovering the causes of problems. The approaches differ mainly based on the prevailing culture in a specific environment.
Marjan Ogorevc: "Karmic diagnostics means nothing more than trying to find, through conversation or direct vision, with kinesiological tests, dowsing pendulum, eyelid sensors, the causes that are as original as possible. Sometimes it is necessary to look into past lives, search in previous generations, and our actions in this life, gradually reaching the cause."
Therapy process:
Through the Source, Creator of the Soul, or energy traces, the therapist gains insight into the person's hidden patterns that burden them. They also check whether external energy influences affect the person (energy parasites, disembodied souls, non-physical beings, etc.). The person can be guided through processes of awareness, pattern resolution, belief work, karmic bond arrangement, karmic balance, removal of non-physical beings, and more.
When a person brings up a problem in therapy, it depends on the therapist's ability to see how deeply they can perceive. If the insights are superficial, only one cause related to the mentioned issue can be revealed. Once that cause is resolved, ten others that were beneath it can be noticed, and as each of those is resolved, even more causes can be uncovered.
A therapist who sees deeply can immediately address the main cause but needs to ensure whether the person is capable of dealing with it, considering their mindset, emotional state, etc.
Such processes of resolving causes involve alpha or theta brainwave states, changing subconscious patterns, beliefs, illumination, karmic balance, and more.
Some examples of subconscious patterns and beliefs are:
I am born to suffer.
I am not meant to be happy.
Doctors have told me so.
Money must be earned through hard work.
I am always right and never mistaken.
Fear of death, loneliness, poverty, material existence.
Aggression towards men or women, towards people of certain races, Jews, specific nationalities, drug addicts, alcoholics.
The Role of Karma in Healing Diseases:
In today's time, there are not many healers who pay attention to karma in healing. The law of karma is decisive in healing. Many people waste time by sending energies to a specific person or giving them various types of tablets, but none of it works. These methods do not help because the law of karma does not allow it.
Many diseases are karmic, in addition to those arising from the incorrect use or misuse of soul energy. We bring karma from past lives, which manifests as diseases at a certain level—mental, physical, astral, or a combination of all three, depending on the individual. If you carry karma from life to life and understand the problem, knowing that the disease can only be alleviated but not cured in this life, then it may be easier to accept it. Symptoms, pain, and suffering can be alleviated with medication or a different approach to life, but the actual disease will remain as long as karma determines it.
A person must learn to resolve karma, to eliminate what causes karma. However, this is not easy and is so subtle and complex that simple instructions like "do this" or "do that" cannot be given. The patient's condition and what causes the karmic problem must be thoroughly understood. When a person becomes aware of the cause and then resolves it in processes (we can also say learns the lesson), karma is resolved, and the person can heal without modern medical treatment.